Mars Odyssey Mission

The Spacecraft

Figure caption

Read about the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission
and its instruments here.

Read about the mgs Science Objectives here.

Marks Left by Water (observed with Themis)

  Alluvial Fans

  Figure caption

  Debris flows and landslides

  Figure caption

  Braided rivers

  Figure caption


  Figure caption


  Figure caption

Read about the other discoveries of themis, the
THermal EMission Imaging System of Mars Odyssey.

Cydonia: Martian Mystery Region

The Cydonia Region with "the Face"

Figure caption

Find "The Face" in the above zoomable image (answer)

Valles Marineris

  Valles Marineris

  Full resolution (6 MB)
  Figure caption

 View this Canyon with the zoomable image:

  Figure caption

 Movie: fly into the Valles Marineris
  Movie caption

Mars Maps

  Water Map

  Figure caption

 Potassium Map

  Figure caption

Find more maps of other chemical
elements like Si, Fe, Cl and Th here.

Google Mars

background photo: Tooting Crater, Mars (Credit: Themis, Mars Odyssey, NASA)