Electromagnetic waves

A wave

a simple wave

  Figure caption

Changing wavelength in em waves

  Figure caption

EM waves

  Electric Field

  Figure caption

  Light is an EM-wave

  Figure caption


The spectrum is the distribution of energy as function of frequency (or wavelength).

  Names of frequency intervals

  Figure caption

  Solar spectrum

  Figure caption

Black Body spectrum

  Three black body spectra

  Other examples of Black body spectra (Credit: wikipedia)
  Figure caption

  The Sun is almost a black body

  Figure caption

Atom (Bohr's model)

  Electrons can only be
  in "special" orbits

  Figure caption

  Bohr's model

  Figure caption

  Bohr's model applet

  Figure caption

Read more about Bohr's model at wikipedia.

The spectral lines: the individual signature of each chemical element

  Examples of emission lines spectra

  Figure caption

All known emission lines spectra
(website in italian, credit: Stefano Rossini)


Impact on stellar spectrum: absorption and emission lines

  Schematic spectra of stars

  Figure caption

  Example of a typical stellar spectrum
  (from the Sloan digital sky survey)

  Figure caption
  More examples of stellar spectra of
  various types (Credit: D. Silva)

See examples of galaxy spectra from the
Sloan digital sky survey

(get spectra by clicking on Object ID in the exercise 7)

Doppler effect

  Stationary and moving
  wave sources

  Figure caption

  The siren on a firefighters truck

  Figure caption


  Figure caption

Velocity Profiles of stars in galaxies

  A Galactic Spectrum
  and a Stellar Template

  Figure caption

  The Gaussian function

  Figure caption

  Stellar Velocity Distributions

  Figure caption

background photo: Comet McNaught above Santiago,
copyright Stéphane Guisard, http://www.astrosurf.com/sguisard

other pictures of the McNaught comet at: http://www.eso.org/outreach/press-rel/pr-2007/phot-05-07.html