How to fight Global Warming
Posters Exhibition at Lilu2
At the end of 2007, I put up a small exhibition of posters in my school. The subject is
the fight against global warming. The idea of doing this exhibition came when I saw
Al Gore's movie with my classes: after the movie, some (rightly frightened) students
asked me what can we do to avoid this "catastrophe annoncée". This exhibition is an
attempt to answer their question.
I would like to thank the Melcher Media publishing house, Chappatte and Mix & Remix for
letting me use their drawings and materials. Most of the material (text and pictures)
of these posters has been taken from the book "The Live Earth, Global Warming Survival Handbook"
(see the first poster) by David de Rothschild (published by Rodale) with illustrations by William van Roden.
10 steps
10 steps (2nd part)
At home
Eat your veggies
Green your cube
Global warming 1
Global warming 2
Global warming 3
Convince a skeptic 1
Convince a skeptic 2
Convince a skeptic 3
Convince a skeptic 4
Convince a skeptic 5
Use the right bag
Humour 1
Humour 2
Humour 3
Transports 1
Transports 2
Transports 3
Transports 4